Holiday Pyes
Today we are packaging Holiday Pyes. In the sampler pack we have a taste of all our delicious flavors which are:
Turkey Dinner: For this one Maribeth has literally recreated a Turkey Dinner in a small pocket. Its got Turkey (Basically we baked an entire Turkey for the meat), stuffing, gravy and cranberry).
Tandoori Chicken: It has a ton of peppers and this time I used Thai Chilli because its Winter and the others were out of stock at the Farmers Market.
Chilli Cheese Dog: We figured this one will be a hit with the kiddos and having kids ourselves, we love to have one kid pleaser.
Bollywood Beef: This one is spice-filled but mild. Just because it has Indian spices doesn't mean it has to be hot (like burning your mouth hot!). This one has a perfect balance of spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and pepper.
Spinach Artichoke: The classic Spinach Artichoke dip redone to a Coffyn Pye and sooo good I had to lick the bowl the other day before it was sent to the dishwasher.
Thai Curry Chickpea: So this one was an accidental creation. I have always loved Thai food. It might be my favorite cuisine although I love many cuisines! The chickpeas and spinach and cashew make this a pretty wholesome snack.
All New Pumpkin Chai: With the holidays, we felt like we need to create Holiday Sweet Pyes. So this one has my very own.
All New Pecan Chocolate with Kahlua: OMG, I can wait for this. When I heard the list of ingredients, I thought, she had me at Kahlua :-)
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